Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Negligence Essays and People’s Wrong Relations with One Another

Negligence Essays and People’s Wrong Relations with One Another Negligence essays, written on different issues and by different people, concern wrong treatment of the individuals, property, buildings, various mechanisms. Dealing with tort laws and criminal justice science, a person could say that negligence essays are very important for a criminal justice course. Having analyzed the concepts concerning the negligence essays, a person could say that negligence essays fully complete many people’s views concerning the tort laws and science connected with it. The following points are the most important concerning negligence essays: Degree of social harm. Different forms of negligence present various forms of social harm. Having fixed the bicycle insufficiently and let another person ride it may result in the person’s crash and bones’ fracture. Nuclear plant mechanism wrong usage, resulting in thousands of deaths, is quite a different matter from the instance mentioned in the first case. It means that potential degree of social harm and probability of its occurrence must be specially stressed in the negligence essays. Affecting other people. Negligence is not very severe when it concerns one specific individual. A person has a choice to live the life the way he/she considers necessary or even commit a suicide. However, when the other people’s lives are at stake, a person must be very careful and cautious. Nobody deserves the right to arrange other people’s lives or take it away from them. This point is very important to be mentioned in the negligence essays. Material loss and property wastes. Writing negligence essays, a person might stress the point of their influence on the human society and precautions that must be taken in order to avoid any tragedies, catastrophes and calamities. Having examined the most vital points of negligence essays, a person might say that he/she is more prepared for this life and its harshness.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

20 Key Writing Tips to Become a Better Writer Today

20 Key Writing Tips to Become a Better Writer Today 20 Writing Tips to Improve Your Craft â€Å"The pen is mightier than the sword.† Writer Edgar Bulwer-Lytton made this keen observation nearly 200 years ago, but it remains just as true today. Writing is one of the most powerful mediums in existence, and a seemingly simple story can change countless lives - which is why so many of us choose to be writers in the first place.But sometimes it can be difficult to find the right words, to tell the story the way you want, or to start writing in the first place. That’s why we’ve compiled these 20 essential writing tips for writers like you: artists who want to hone their craft to perfection, so they can tell their stories as effectively as possible.Some of these tips are directly narrative-related, while others are more about the mentality and setting you need to cultivate in order to write. But all have one crucial thing in common: if you take them to heart, they’ll help you become a much better writer - and maybe even pen the book of your dreams. We’ll start with the story tips, then move into more technique-related advice to help you on your writing journey.If you prefer your tips in watchable form, check out this video on great writing tips that no one else will tell you. 1. Even pantsers need to planLet’s begin with an age-old question: are you a plotter or a pantser?If you’ve never heard these terms before, allow us to explain. Pantsers are writers who â€Å"fly by the seat of their pants,† i.e. start writing without preparing too much and simply trust that everything will work out. At the other end of the spectrum are plotters, who plan and outline their story extensively before they begin to write.Which is the better way forward? Well, it’s different for everyone - what works for you may not necessarily work for another writer you know.That said, experience has taught us that a little bit of planning goes a long way. That’s why we always advise some form of preparation, even if it’s just a few nuggets of your plot, before you dive into writing. Pantsers, we know it’ll be hard, but you can do it!2. Keep your outline in mindOnce you’ve prepared an outline, it’s important to actually use it. This may seem obvious, but it's seemingly one of the hardest-to-remember writing tips out there - which is why we've put it so high on our list!Many writers find themselves led astray by subplots and secondary characters, wandering into lengthy supplementary chapters that don’t really go anywhere. Then when they try to get back to the main plot, they find they’re already too far gone.Keeping your outline in mind at all times will help you avoid these disastrous detours. Even if you stray a little, you should be able to look at your outline and articulate exactly how you’ll get back to what you planned. This is especially crucial late in the writing process, when it can be hard to remember your original vision - so if you have doubts about your ability to remember your outline, definitely write it down.3. Introduce conflict earlyOf all the core elements in your story, conflict is perhaps the most important to emphasize. Conflict lies at the heart of every good narrative, creating tension that prompts people to read until the very end. So make sure readers know what your conflict is within the first few chapters!The best way to do this is through an early inciting incident, wherein the main character has a revelation and/or becomes involved in something big. For example, in The Hunger Games, the inciting incident is Katniss volunteering for the Games. Though our heroine has always held anti-Capitol views, this incident forces her to take direct action against them, launching the conflict (Katniss vs. Capitol) that will drive the next three books.Finally, remember that there are many different types of conflict. So if you have no idea what your conflict is, don’t worry; it’s probably just unconventional. For instance, your main conflict might be one that unfolds within your narrator (character vs. self), or against some large, nebulous force (like character vs. technology). But whatever it is, try to be conscious of when you introduce it and how.4. Control the pacingNothing ruins a good story like poor pacing. Even if you’ve got the most well-rounded characters, interesting plot, and sizzling conflict in literary history, sluggish pacing can still make all of it moot. So make sure you control the pacing in your story, lest readers lose interest and put down your book in frustration!In order to combat slow pacing, you’ll need to increase the tempo by:A) Cutting down lengthy sentences and descriptions, and B) Increasing action and dialogue.The former strategy works for one simple reason: it gets rid of filler and fluff. In extreme cases, you may have to cut a great deal of exposition in order to get to the beating heart of your story. This may be painful, but trust us - your readers will appreciate not having to trudge through 50 pages of buildup before your inciting incident.As for the latter, it might seem like adding more content is counterintuitive to a quicker pace. But because action and dialogue move the story forward in a concrete manner, you can always rely on them to improve slow pacing.5. Fine-tune your dialogueSpeaking of dialogue,  it's pretty critical to most stories, especially in terms of drawing in readers. Indeed, a conversation between characters is usually much more intriguing and impactful than a narrator relaying similar information.But dialogue loses its impact if the conversation goes on for too long - so for better, sharper dialogue, be concise. Say youâ₠¬â„¢re writing a story in which two characters have an argument. You want to be clear what they’re fighting about and connect it to other events and themes in your story, so you write something like this:â€Å"I can’t believe you were late coming home again! This is so typical. Just like when you forgot to pick up the groceries last week. Sometimes I don’t think you listen to me at all. You say you care about my feelings, but you don’t.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Well, maybe I don’t listen because you’re always yelling at me. No matter what I do, it always seems to be the wrong thing. I had a very important meeting tonight, for the record. You know I’m trying to get that promotion at work. I’m really trying my hardest here.†But this exchange is full of unnecessary details. After all, the reader should already be familiar with your characters, their relationship, and past events of the story - you don’t have to spoon-feed them the meaning of the conversation. So keep your dialogue short and pithy:â€Å"Nice of you to show up. What were you doing, if not getting groceries?† â€Å"Thanks for the warm reception. I had a meeting. Kind of an important one.†For more dialogue-specific writing tips, check out this post.You'll be back to writing in no time. (Image: Lonely Planet on Unsplash)17. Listen to feedbackNow for another one of those writing tips that we all have trouble with. Throughout the process of writing, and definitely after you’re finished, you should share your work with other people: your friends, family, writers’ groups, and your editor(s).Accepting and actioning critical feedback is, of course, one of the most difficult parts of being a writer. Yet it’s also one of the most important skills to have. Because the feedback you receive from friends and beta readers is the only window you have into other people’s views - until you publish and the reviews start flooding in, but by then it’s too late to change anything. So try not to view criticism as harsh, but as helpful. It might just save you from liter ary infamy later!On that note†¦18. Kill your darlingsSometimes you’ll pen a passage that’s so beautiful, so nuanced, so masterfully constructed that you want to frame it - but it doesn’t really contribute anything to the larger composition. It’s a tangential distraction, and you know in your heart that your work would be better off without it.What to do now? You probably know the answer, even if you don’t want to admit it: you have to kill your darlings. This most often refers to removing an irrelevant or otherwise distracting passage, but it may also be your title, an element of your narration, or even an entire character.In any case, if it doesn’t add to the narrative, consider dropping it. Of all our writing tips, this one is perhaps the most important for writers of short stories and flash fiction, since you really don’t have any room to waste! Painful as it might be, remember you can always save your â€Å"darling† t o rework for another project†¦ just not this one.19. Just keep writingHow do prolific, successful authors manage to turn out so many books? Basically, by keeping calm and carrying on. Stephen King writes 2,000 words every single day, even on holidays. Jane Austen wrote each day just after breakfast without fail. Kafka wrote in the wee hours of the morning, barely sleeping as a result.Now, as we’ve established, you don’t have to write every day, or with the same vigor as these authors. Jane Austen never had a smartphone distracting her, so that was kind of an unfair advantage. But you do need to keep writing with as much consistency and focus as possible!This is the best piece of advice we can give any writer, fiction or non-fiction, short-form or long. Remember that it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and keep your head down until you hit that final blessed page.20. Keep publishing in mindLast but certainly not least on this list of writing tips, we’ll co ver the potential of publishing your book once it’s finally finished. Many writers and writing websites advise not to think about publishing while writing, to simply write what you know/love/would want to read yourself, and worry about publishing later.But thinking about it as you write can really help move the process along! For one thing, if you go the traditional publishing route, you should consider how you might pitch your book to agents. What makes your story unique, and why would they want to represent it? If you start writing with the aim to publish, you can consciously highlight these distinctive elements in the story itself.On the other hand, if you’re thinking about self-publishing, the adventure truly does begin once you’ve finished the manuscript! After a round or two of editing, and possibly investing in a book cover, you should be set to put your book up on Amazon and start raking in readers.There are pros and cons to both these sides. Luckily, if you’ve gotten to this point, the hard part is over; you’ve managed to write the book of your dreams, and now what you do with it is up to you!And if you haven't quite gotten there yet, know that it's never too late. Writing is a lifelong struggle, but it's also one of the most rewarding things you can pursue. So go forth and tell the story you've always wanted to tell - we believe in you. âÅ" Did we miss anything? Tell us your best writing tips in the comments below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Country Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Country Analysis - Essay Example The network identifies a business opportunity, amasses the capital and influences the investors to start a business in a viable market. Additionally, through the network the investors have increased control of the operations of the companies since the business owners elect a board of governors and appoint the chief executive among other influential individuals to run the companies. The American companies operating in France through such networks include LeBlanc Corporation, Allied Signal Laminate system, Trane Company and L.B White Company among others. Notably, the above companies belong to business people from the state of Wisconsin. LeBlanc, formerly known as the Noblet firm is a leading manufacturer of wind instruments in Europe. The company operates in a unique market targeting the elite societies in Europe who prefer the use of clean energy. The business that began in France’s LaCouture Boussey village has expanded its operation and is currently accessing other marketing in the region. Communication in the company occurs in French a feature that influences the operations of the company. Notably, the company further accesses other French speaking countries besides France such as Belgium and Quebec among others. The presence of the US chamber of commerce in France has therefore pioneered economic growth in the country since such business networks seek to intensify economic activities in the country. The development of such companies as Noblet firm currently known as the LeBlanc in 1904 portrays the fact that the business networks began early in time and have pioneered the growth of numerous companies in France thereby contributing to the economy of the country (Joseph, 1918). The expansion of markets as fostered by the American chamber of commerce in France helps grow the economies of both countries. By setting up companies in foreign countries, the networks provide

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Research - Essay Example The most lingering question has been whether meditation has got a certain impact that has not been explored especially by the psychologists in the western parts. It has been wondered as to whether the effectiveness of therapy in any way is changed by the application of meditation, i.e. what psychological adjustments can be made by meditating. There have been also queries on whether meditation has got any side effects as pertaining to therapy, and if yes, how this could be overcome. There are many researches that have been done concerning how therapy and meditation integrates. Therefore, by reviewing some of these literatures, it can be established that there can occur various changes in psychology, behaviors, and cognitive changes of a person, which might be beneficial in the field of therapy. These reviews would thus show that meditation is more than a relaxing technique. In essence, there are many ways in which psychotherapy and meditation can be of help to one another. The limitation of using this review is however that most of the information used has taken several years. It is thus important to look for other recent researches to see if there are any major differences that have been made. Meditation has been found to be an important tool in helping psychiatric patients in a more effective manner. This technique helps the patients to understand their mental process, and thus be in a position to control it. This study was carried out by Deatherage (1975). Deatherage concluded that this process is very effective in terms of time to the person offering the therapy, hence cost effective. In a research done by Carpenter (1977), he found that there is a lot that meditation can offer to the practice of psychotherapy. This, he said is more effective because the practice puts together relaxing and self observation among other practices. In a similar study, Shapiro & Gilbert (1978) came up with two hypotheses that showed the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Controversial Subject Rebuttal Essay Example for Free

Controversial Subject Rebuttal Essay On August 29, 2005, the Gulf Coast was struck with one of the most unforgettable natural disasters in American History. The effects of Hurricane Katrina have been shattering and long-lasting. However, could the question been plausibly raised whether or not to rebuild New Orleans? Evidently it was. Lance Winslow, freelance writer, from California did just that in an article titled: Why did God Destroy New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina? Winslow states â€Å"Many people believe that God was real angry at mankind and got a wild hair up his butt and sent Hurricane Katrina into the Gulf Shore and New Orleans to teach people a lesson†¦and if it was a lesson did the little human learn anything? It appears they did not. Humans in their ultimate defiance are rebuilding the city under sea level as before† (Winslow, n. d. ). Winslow included no resources or data to back his opinion. There can be no reliability or credibility attached to this article; however; for those who have been victims of Hurricane Katrina these words create an emotional anger, which is verbally indescribable. Loss of personal possessions are only one aspect of devastation, but the loss of homestead, life as it once was, people and places, which once represented home, and the cultures that make each person a unique individual are characteristics that can never be replaced. History and People of New Orleans Historically the people who inhabited early New Orleans came from many groups including Native American, French, African, and Caribbean islands. No group was dominant in the early days and there was a mixing of the cultures. From this mixing came a unique culture that influenced food, music, architecture, and language. New Orleans became one of Americas’ most unique cities with its multicultural influence and it joie de vivre (joy of life) attitude (A Brief History of New Orleans, n. d. ). The Act of God In the Acts of God department: the catastrophe in New Orleans is the result of human error, not divine malice. Hurricane Katrina’s winds and rain were naturally disastrous, there is no question. However, the massive and catastrophic destruction that affected this beloved city was a result of flooding that occurred because of the failure of the levees. The primary responsibility for that tragic turn of events, and for fixing it, lies directly with the U. S.  Army Corps of Engineers, who have admitted as much (Piazza, 2006) . Anyone that asks the question should New Orleans be rebuilt needs to consider, what happens to the people in San Francisco when it gets destroyed again by an earthquake? Should the government tell them, Sorry, you should have not built on a fault line. What will be done when Los Angeles is ravaged by wildfires and mudslides? How should the government proceed in helping other citizen’s homeland or any other national treasure? Economic Reasons Those who argue the question whether to rebuild New Orleans also fail to consider the costs associated with abandoning New Orleans. The country would suffer economically with its abandonment: more than 500 million tons of cargo comes through the port of New Orleans each year, and 13% of the imported petroleum enters the United States through the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (Villere, n. d. ). Certainly anyone who relies on the import and export of grain, textiles, hard or dry goods of any sort, electronics, and automobiles, which is to say anyone in the United States, depends on the health of New Orleans as a port. Anyone who uses petroleum products should recognize the importance of New Orleans and Louisiana in general to supply oil. It would be amiss to forget to mention that the Gulf Coast is second only to Alaska as a source of seafood (Piazza, 2006). For those who have taken this attitude, it sounds as if they are just writing off the United part of the United States. To paraphrase Ben Franklin, â€Å"We must all hang together or we will certainly hang separately. † President George W. Bush on September 16, 2005, while standing in Jackson Square, in the heart of the French Quarter, stated â€Å"All who question the future of the Crescent City need to know: There is no way to imagine America without New Orleans and this great city will rise again† (Taipei Times, 2005) .

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparison of the Poems, Two Scavengers and Nothings Changed Essay

Comparison of the Poems, Two Scavengers and Nothing's Changed â€Å"Nothings Changed† was written by Tatamkhulu Afrika, a mixed race child with fair skin, who was later adopted by a white South African family who brought him up as though he was white, and he only found out about his origins as a teenager. Tatamkhulu lived in a multi-cultural area called District Six, which was destroyed by the white authorities. He feels strongly about this kind of racism towards the black people despite the fact that he has fair skin. In the actual poem, the poet is telling the story from his own experiences in first person. â€Å"Two Scavengers† was written by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. The poem highlights the differences between rich and poor and the working classes, as well as democracy and equality. The poem itself is written in third person and based around a couple of Bin Men and a couple of ‘beautiful’, rich people. Then, at the end of the poem seems to ask whether America really is a democracy. â€Å"Nothings Changed† is set in District Six, based in South Africa. The poet describes District Six as harsh-land, but also goes on to explain that he still feels that it’s his home and it’s still amiable and natural. I know this because he says, â€Å"amiable weeds† on line 8. This is a contrasting sentence because weeds are usually a symbol of bad things, so to use the word amiable to describe them is distinguishing. Socially, there is a separation of race. In the poets own opinion, the white people think that they are more important and superior to the black people. I know this because in stanza five, Tatamkhulu echoes the voice of the white person and says, â€Å"Take it with you, eat it at a plastic table’s top, Wipe your fingers on your... ...l as phrases such as â€Å"as if† (lines 29 and 33). In conclusion, â€Å"Nothings Changed† and â€Å"Two Scavengers† both examine the differences between American democracy and the South African democracy. The poetic devices used are similar in both pieces but both have very different effects on the reader. I found that he way Tatamkhula Afrika structured his poem with short harsh lines was effective because it made things stand out and got the point across quicker. It also gave us a better idea of how the poet is feeling. I also liked the way he wrote the poem in the present tense like he was reliving the experience. In â€Å"Two Scavengers†, I like the way Ferlinghetti laid out his poem and still made it coordinate with meaning of the poem. And also, the way he started a new line when there was a pause in the speech I found very effective and unlike many other poems.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Last Judgment

The Last Judgment Michelangelo was one of the greatest artists of all time. He excelled in architecture, sculpture, painting, poetry, and engineering. He was a true Renaissance man who lived a long emotional life. In painting â€Å"The Last Judgment,† Michelangelo was able to incorporate all that he had learned about the human body. He was able to show the way the body moved, as well as its displays of unrestrained passion, overwhelming grief, or endless torment. This is what makes â€Å"The Last Judgment† such a unique and exceptional work of art. The Last Judgment is a canonical fresco by the Italian Renaissance master Michelangelo executed on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Rome, Italy. It is forty-eight feet by forty-four feet masterpiece. The work took four years to complete and was done between 1536 and 1541 (preparation of the altar wall began in 1535. ) Michelangelo began working on it some twenty years after having finished the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Michelangelo returned to the Sistine Chapel as a sixty year old man in 1535 when he was commissioned by Pope Paul III (pontificate 1534 – 1549) to paint the Altar Wall. If his ceiling celebrates the creation of man, his Last Judgement, depicts the end of the world and the judgment that is said to follow. Michelangelo having been commissioned the wall looked for a long time at the big wall he was supposed to paint. He wanted to be sure to avoid some of the problems the ceiling frescoes had given him twenty-five years earlier. The wall had two windows. He had them blocked up so he would have a nice, empty surface. Next he worried about dampness seeping through from outside. That might spoil his painting. He decided not to paint the actual chapel wall but to build a second one of dried bricks in front of it and to leave a space between the two walls for ventilation. And to keep the dust from collecting on it he gave the new wall a slant. It slopes inward as it rises and overhangs at the top about a foot. At first Michelangelo planned to paint with oil paints and he had his helper Sebastiano del Piombo give the whole wall a coat of mortar with resin to seal it. But later he changed his mind and ordered him to chip his primer away. Michelangelo was an experienced fresco painter now and who knows what disagreeable surprises oils might give him. He would stick to fresco and would apply his own layer of sand and lime each day as he went. These preparations took a year. Meanwhile he worked on his characters . He began to paint in June 1536. It is said that Michelangelo fell off the scaffolding once when he was alone in the chapel. Though he was badly hurt he dragged himself home and crawled into bed in great pain. He refused to let anyone see him and wouldn’t open the door when they knocked. Finally, one of his friends, a doctor made his way up by a secret way from room to room until he found Buonarroti, who was in a desperate condition. Then his friend refused to go away or leave his side until he was better. The wall was unveiled on Halloween, 1541. He was 66 years old. It was twenty-nine years since the unveiling of the ceiling frescoes. The great painting scared people. Pope Paul III, who commissioned it, is supposed to have exclaimed when he saw it the first time: â€Å"Lord, please don’t charge me with my sins when you come on Judgment Day! This depiction of the second coming of Christ and the final judgment of humanity is not only a fresco but a beautiful piece of poetry. This painting is a grim reminder to the parishioners as well as the clergy (including the pope) that ultimately they too would be judged at the end of time. This painting depicts Christ surrounded by the saints and angels, judging all the souls of the human race as they rise or descend to heaven and hell where they will stay for all eternity. Most of the saints surrounding Jesus were martyrs and Michelangelo depicted them each holding the weapon or instrument of their martyrdom. The figures seem to swirl around Christ, this was a new way of depicting this scene because the other versions from earlier periods show it in neat horizontal layers. The central figure of Christ is literally judging and determining the fates of all of the human race with his hand raised gesturing to his decision. The emotion coming from the figure of Christ is so powerful that it almost seems like the figure of his mother, Mary, next o him is cower in fear of the whole scene. To the right you see the Archangel Michel reading form the book of souls assisting in the judgment process. Seen all over is figures of the saved rejoicing but you can also see the damned suffering or fearful of their fate like the figure below Christ on the right covering one eye terrified of his terrible fate. There are many elements to this artwork that tell the viewer th at not only Christians will be judged and sent to heaven but people of other religious back grounds will as well, as long as they have lived a moral life. The inclusion of Greek and Roman mythology is the biggest hint to this. Christ in the center surrounded by light shown as beardless and very muscular this is not just an expression of humanism but can be compared to the Greek god Apollo who was the god of the sun. What could be viewed as the reason for this is that Pope Clement VII studied Heliocentric Cosmology by Copernicus. This work stated that the sun was the center of the universe, so by placing Christ in the center of the fresco and mimicking the features of Apollo, Michelangelo places Jesus at the center of our spiritual universe. The boatman Charon from Greek and Roman mythology is also featured in this work at the bottom ferrying the damned souls to hell. Also, Minos from Greek mythology who was son of Zeus and Europa and king of Crete became one of the three judges of the underworld. Minos is seen in the bottom left corner of the work with a serpent coiled around him and this would determine which circle of hell the damned souls would be sent. It is also said that a Cardinal had judged Michelangelo’s work so as a sort of revenge he painted the portrait of the Cardinal as Minos. This could have been his way of poetically stating that only God and Christ can judge this world and if someone attempts to do what only God or Christ can do that there will be a special place in hell for that individual regardless of status within the church, as well as venting is frustration for the Cardinal. Michelangelo did not only provide portraits of individuals who upset him but other central figures of the church as was as himself. The figure on the right holding the a silver key and a gold key is St. Peter with the keys to heaven, this is actually a portrait of Pope Paul III. Also, the flayed skin of St. Bartholomew being held by him is a distorted self portrait of the artist. This continues to send the message that no one is exempt from the last judgment. By including Greek and Roman mythology as well as portraits of current people from the time of the frescos creation really drives the point home that no matter religious background or political status you will be judged fairly. The Last Judgment was a very controversial piece at the time because, unlike other artists, Michelangelo portrayed those in his painting as naked thereby demonstrating the lack of importance that riches would have at the end of the world when humanity stands before judgment. Unlike his earlier work, including the rest of the Chapel which he painted, his depiction of the Last Judgment was much more monochrome as well as gruesome with the souls of the damned cowering in fear as they are dragged down by demons. Pope Paul III, who commissioned Michelangelo to paint the Last Judgment, demonstrated a great deal of faith in the artist's abilities and gave him vast amounts of artistic license. While others criticized Michelangelo's use of nude figures, the Pope offered up no complaint. In addition to the lack of clothes on his subjects, Michelangelo was critiqued for not only using the Bible as an inspiration for his fresco but also mythological creatures such as Charon who is seen ferrying the damned as well as Minos who is shown as one of the judges located in the underworld. The Last Judgment was an object of a heavy dispute between critics within the Catholic Reformation and those who understood the genius of the artist and the mannerist style of the painting. Michelangelo was accused of being insensitive to proper decorum, and of flaunting personal style over appropriate depictions of content. The Council of Trent issued decrees that such representations in sacred art were not allowed, and all objectionable art was to be changed or destroyed. In response to certain accusers, when the Pope's own Master of Ceremonies Biagio da Cesena said of the painting â€Å"it was mostly disgraceful that in so sacred a place there should have been depicted all those nude figures, exposing themselves so shamefully,† and that it was no work for a papal chapel but rather â€Å"for the public baths and taverns,† The worst criticism came from the poet and blackmailer Pietro Aretino, who at first wrote flattering things to Michelangelo from Venice and made suggestions for the painting. Michelangelo answered that though his suggestions were very interesting the fresco was too far along then to be changed. Eight years later Aretino published an open letter to Michelangelo in which he accused him of being irreverent. â€Å"Such things might be painted in a voluptuous bathroom,† he wrote, â€Å"but not in the choir of the highest chapel†¦Our souls are benefitted little by art, but by piety. † Some thought the nudes were out of place. The papal Master of Ceremonies, Biagio da Cesena, said the painting made the chapel look like a stufa d’ ignudi’ (a bathing house). For that remark, which he heard Cesena say, Michelangelo supposedly put his face on Minos, the great judge of Hell, and gave him donkey ears while his nudity is covered by a coiled snake. It is said that when Cesena complained to the Pope, the pontiff joked that his jurisdiction did not extend to hell, so the portrait would have to remain. Although the references to mythology were allowed to remain, the genitalia in the fresco, referred to as ‘objections,' were covered after Michelangelo died by a student of his, Daniele da Volterra. As years followed fresco came very close to being destroyed. More and more clothes were added. In 1574 El Greco himself offered to chip it away and paint a new fresco that would â€Å"be decent and pious and no less well-painted than Michelangelo’s. †Three more times (1625, 1712, and 1762) artists were ordered to â€Å"do something about those nudes†. The critic Thode thought the fresco had been altered so much that it was no longer even possible to judge the artistic qualities of Michelangelo’s work.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Monster Energy Drink Target Audience and Company Objectives Essay

Consumer Behavior Monster Energy Target Market Because the energy drink is still part of a new and developing industry, the energy drink target market is different than in some of the other beverage industries. Monster energy drinks have become a very popular, â€Å"hip† part of society, but the market at which they are aimed is not as wide and expansive, or diverse, as some might think. Early in energy drink history, when they were first being sold in the United States, athletes were the primary consumers. This shows that even initially energy drinks were directed at a select crowd, a group of people with specific interests. Although the consumer base for energy drinks has now expanded beyond that of simply athletes, the target market is still more particular than in other industries. When thinking about the energy drink target market, it is important to consider who is most receptive to the purported effects of the beverages. Although everyone is susceptible to the fatigue of the super-charged, over-worked lifestyle, young people are especially vulnerable to persistent exhaustion and insufficient energy. This group of people, more specifically male teenagers and people in their 20s, are also most likely to believe in the veracity of the energy drinks’ claims. As a result, the majority of energy drinks are developed for and advertised to this younger generation. In addition to focusing on a specific age group, many energy drink companies are even more exclusive in their marketing efforts, gearing their products and advertising to appeal to very specialized groups, such as gamers, extreme sports enthusiasts, and the hip-hop crowd. The effects of this emphasis on such a target market can be seen in the advertising campaigns of the energy drinks. Many of the names of the beverages, such as Monster LoCarb appeal to these specific consumers and the marketing strategies that revolve around sponsoring public events or celebrity endorsements reflect this focus. The design and packaging of many energy drinks also relates to the target market. Although the energy drink industry currently caters to a very specific target market, as it continues to grow and develop, it is likely that marketing efforts and the focus consumer base will be more diverse and expansive. The Monster Energy Drink, distributed by Monster Beverages Co., uses concentrated targeting as a marketing strategy. Strong promotion strategies including product hand-outs by young attractive vendors in powerful trucks blasting music are common ways The Company promotes in cities. The Company also uses Ricky Carmichael, a motocross legend, to endorse their products. 40 foot posters are used to target motocross fans which are a major target market for Monster Beverages Co. (Murr, 2006). Other effective advertisements include using high contrast, recognizable posters in retail stores and high energy, adrenaline rushed TV ads. Advantages of concentrated marketing include concentration of resources, better meeting the needs of the target audience, and strong positioning. Disadvantages include segments being too small or changing, and large competitors such as red bull to more effectively market to niche. According to Rodney Sacks, CEO, the target audience is 18 – 25 year old males (Murr, 2006). This market is focused on a product which offers an energy boost, so any audience that is involved in sports, or high endurance activity is a clear target. The green claw marks resemble adrenaline, power, and testosterone, accompanying its motto, â€Å"unleash the monster within†. High schools and colleges are clear niches for these high energy markets. The demographics for the target market for Monster energy drink are: Major Cities 18-25 year olds Males Athletes/ High endurance activities Income ? middle class According to the 2000 census, there are approximately 10 million males who fall under Sacks’ audience of 18 – 25 year old males. But I believe the target market is expanding to be much wider than that including women and older men. Judging by the effectiveness of free handout promotions in hot locations such as South beach, Florida, I see a target market of males and females ages 12 – 35. According to the census this number is around 80 million (US Census Bureau, 2007). Hansen’s Monster Energy drinks offer giant doses of caffeine and sugar in big black cans adorned with neon-colored claw marks. The scary packaging, plus a bevy of extreme-sports sponsorships, positions Monster as an edgy alternative to Red Bull in the fast-growing, $2 billion a year energy-drink market. Monster’s slogan: Unleash the beast. † Monster has certainly energized Hansen. The company has seen its sales more than double since it introduced the brand in April, 2002. Last year, Hansen earned $20 million on sales of $180 million, up from just $3 million of profits on sales of $80 million in 2001. Sales nearly doubled, while profits quadrupled, in this year’s first quarter. Those results helped Hansen earn the No. 26 spot on BusinessWeek’s annual ranking of Hot Growth Companies. Monster Objectives Hansen has jolted the Monster brand with a dose of guerrilla marketing. Teams of Monster ambassadors† give out samples of the product at concerts, beach parties, and other events. The company also sponsors motocross, surfing, and skateboarding competitions. Hansen representatives in black Monster vans supplement the company’s network of 300 independent distributors by assembling store displays and restocking specially designed racks in convenience store coolers. Hansen now owns an 18% share of the energy-drink category, according to the trade publication _Beverage Digest_. While Red Bull remains the leader with nearly half of the market, Hansen’s energy-drink sales increased 162% last year — more than three times Red Bull’s growth rate. A small subset of consumers is going wild over these drinks,† says Beverage Digest editor and publisher John Sicher. Hansen is really riding a tiger. † It’s a jungle out there, though. Coca-Cola Co. ([**KO**](.. /javascript:%20void%20showTicker(‘KO’)) ) is promoting its new Full Throttle energy drink. PepsiCo Inc. ([**PFE**](../javascript:%20void%20showTicker(‘PFE’)) ) is marketing energy drinks under its SoBe and Mountain Dew brands. And independent entrepreneurs have elbowed their way in with products such as Rockstar and FUZE Mega Energy. Every month we pick up a new product or two,† says George Kalil, who runs an independent bottling company in Tucson. Sacks estimates that the energy-drink category is growing 50% a year and that there’s room in the market for everybody. These are the new soft drinks of the world,† he declares. Sacks and Schlosberg are fending off the attack by diversifying. They’ve launched Joker, an energy drink sold exclusively in Circle K convenience stores, and Rumba, a caffeine-laced juice drink designed to be a morning pick-me-up. And they introduced Monster Assault, which comes in a black-and-gray camouflage can that saysDeclare war on the ordinary! † It’s a slogan that could describe the juiced-up strategy of this formerly sleepy beverage player. It is apparent that Monster has become a major player in the energy beverage market. We hope to be the number one choice of energy drinks among consumers.   

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Act Two, Scene One Summary for A Raisin in the Sun

Act Two, Scene One Summary for 'A Raisin in the Sun' This plot summary and study guide for Lorraine Hansberrys play, A Raisin in the Sun, provides an overview of Act Two. Searching for Cultural Identity Act Two, Scene One takes place during the same day as Act One, Scene Two the Younger Familys cramped apartment. The tension of earlier events seems to have subsided. Ruth is ironing clothes while listening to the radio. Beneatha enters, wearing a traditional Nigerian robe, a recent gift from her love-interest, Joseph Asagai. She turns off the radio calling its music assimilationist junk and plays Nigerian music on a phonograph. Walter Lee enters. He is intoxicated; he often responds to pressure by getting drunk. And now that his wife is pregnant and he has been denied the money to invest in a liquor store, Walter Lee has gotten plastered! Yet the tribal music invigorates him, and he jumps into an improvised warrior mode, as he shouts things like OCOMOGOSIAY! THE LION IS WAKING! Beneatha, by the way, is really getting into this. Through most of Act One, she has been annoyed by her brother, the stage directions say that she is thoroughly caught up with this side of him. Even though Walter is drunk and a bit out of control, Beneatha is happy to see her brother embrace his ancestral heritage. Amid this frivolity, George Murchison enters. He is Beneathas date for the evening. He is also a wealthy black man who (at least to Walter Lee) represents a new age, a society in which African Americans can achieve power and financial success. At the same time, Walter is resentful of George, perhaps because it is Georges father and not George himself that has acquired wealth. (Or perhaps because most big brothers are distrustful of their little sisters boyfriends.) Im a Volcano Walter Lee suggests that he meets with George father to discuss some business ideas, but it soon becomes clear that George has no interest in helping Walter. As Walter becomes angry and frustrated, insulting college boys such as George. George calls him on it: Youre all wacked up with bitterness, man. Walter Lee responds: WALTER: (Intently, almost quietly, between the teeth, glaring at the boy.) And you - aint you bitter, man? Aint you just about had it yet? Dont you see no stars gleaming that you cant reach out and grab? You happy? You contented son-of-a-bitch you happy? You got it made? Bitter? Man, Im a volcano. Bitter? Here I am surrounded by ants! Ants who cant even understand what it is the giant is talking about. His speech upsets and embarrasses his wife. George is mildly amused by it. When he leaves, he tells Walter, Goodnight, Prometheus. (Poking fun at Walter by comparing him the Titan from Greek Mythology who created humans and gave mankind the gift of fire.) Walter Lee does not understand the reference, however. Mama Buys a House After George and Beneatha leave on their date, Walter and his wife begin to argue. During their exchange Walter makes a disparaging comment about his own race: WALTER: Why? You want to know why? Cause we all tied up in a race of people that dont know how to do nothing but moan, pray and have babies!As if he realizes how venomous his words are, he begins to calm down. His mood softens even more, when Ruth, despite being verbally abused, offers him a glass of hot milk. Soon, they begin saying words of kindness to each other. Just as they about to reconcile further, Walters mother enters.Mama announces to her grandson, Travis Younger, as well as Walter and Ruth, that she has purchased a three-bedroom house. The house is located in a predominately white neighborhood in Clybourne Park (in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago).Ruth is ecstatic to have a new home, although she does feel some trepidation about moving into a white neighborhood. Mama hopes that Walter will share in the familys joy, but instead he says:WALTER: So you butchered up a dream of mine you who always talking bout your childrens dreams. And with that incredibly bitter, self-pitying line, the curtain falls on Act Two, Scene One of a Raisin in the Sun

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Primer on the Price Elasticity of Demand

A Primer on the Price Elasticity of Demand Price elasticity of demand (sometimes referred to simply as price elasticity or elasticity of demand) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a price. The formula for price elasticity of demand (PEoD) is: PEoD (% Change in Quantity Demanded)/(% Change in Price) (Note that price elasticity of demand is different from the slope of the demand curve, even though the slope of the demand curve also measures the responsiveness of demand to price, in a way.) 2:48 Watch Now: How Does Price Elasticity of Demand Work? Calculating the Price Elasticity of Demand You may be asked the question Given the following data, calculate the price elasticity of demand when the price changes from $9.00 to $10.00. Using the chart on the bottom of the page, well walk you through answering this question. (Your course may use the more complicated Arc Price Elasticity of Demand formula. If so, youll need to see the article on Arc Elasticity) First, well need to find the data we need. We know that the original price is $9 and the new price is $10, so we have Price(OLD)$9 and Price(NEW)$10. From the chart, we see that the quantity demanded when the price is $9 is 150 and when the price is $10 is 110. Since were going from $9 to $10, we have QDemand(OLD)150 and QDemand(NEW)110, where QDemand is short for Quantity Demanded. Thus we have: Price(OLD)9Price(NEW)10QDemand(OLD)150QDemand(NEW)110 To calculate the price elasticity, we need to know what the percentage change in quantity demand is and what the percentage change in price is. Its best to calculate these one at a time. Calculating the Percentage Change in Quantity Demanded The formula used to calculate the percentage change in quantity demanded is: [QDemand(NEW) - QDemand(OLD)] / QDemand(OLD) By filling in the values we wrote down, we get: [110 - 150] / 150 (-40/150) -0.2667 We note that % Change in Quantity Demanded -0.2667 (We leave this in decimal terms. In percentage terms this would be -26.67%). Now we need to calculate the percentage change in price. Calculating the Percentage Change in Price Similar to before, the formula used to calculate the percentage change in price is: [Price(NEW) - Price(OLD)] / Price(OLD) By filling in the values we wrote down, we get: [10 - 9] / 9 (1/9) 0.1111 We have both the percentage change in quantity demand and the percentage change in price, so we can calculate the price elasticity of demand. Final Step of Calculating the Price Elasticity of Demand We go back to our formula of: PEoD (% Change in Quantity Demanded)/(% Change in Price) We can now fill in the two percentages in this equation using the figures we calculated earlier. PEoD (-0.2667)/(0.1111) -2.4005 When we analyze price elasticities were concerned with their absolute value, so we ignore the negative value. We conclude that the price elasticity of demand when the price increases from $9 to $10 are 2.4005. How Do We Interpret the Price Elasticity of Demand? A good economist is not just interested in calculating numbers. The number is a means to an end; in the case of price elasticity of demand it is used to see how sensitive the demand for a good is to a price change. The higher the price elasticity, the more sensitive consumers are to price changes. A very high price elasticity suggests that when the price of a good goes up, consumers will buy a great deal less of it and when the price of that good goes down, consumers will buy a great deal more. A very low price elasticity implies just the opposite, that changes in price have little influence on demand. Often an assignment or a test will ask you a follow-up question such as Is the good price elastic or inelastic between $9 and $10. To answer that question, you use the following rule of thumb: If PEoD 1 then Demand is Price Elastic (Demand is sensitive to price changes)If PEoD 1 then Demand is Unit ElasticIf PEoD 1 then Demand is Price Inelastic (Demand is not sensitive to price changes) Recall that we always ignore the negative sign when analyzing price elasticity, so PEoD is always positive. In the case of our good, we calculated the price elasticity of demand to be 2.4005, so our good is price elastic and thus demand is very sensitive to price changes. Data Price Quantity Demanded Quantity Supplied $7 200 50 $8 180 90 $9 150 150 $10 110 210 $11 60 250

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Japan Or Brazil Or Kenya post WWII development path Essay

Japan Or Brazil Or Kenya post WWII development path - Essay Example Second, the structural change models have a major shift from moments of subsistence-sector dominated economy to a capitalist-dominated economy. As a result of the structural change, Brazil has benefited immensely from increased investment and government revenue which have been directed towards infrastructural development in the country. In terms of the international dependence revolution, there was a goodness of fit for neocolonial dependence model and dualistic-development thesis because as a result of Brazil’s dependence on rich countries, it has recorded an ever increasing external debt to GDP ratio since 1945, which has resulted in the widening of developmental gap between Brazil and other rich countries like USA and Japan. There has however not been a fit for the false-paradigm model because Brazil’s focus for international relations has been largely centered on neighboring South American countries. Finally, the neoclassical counterrevolution model has explained re asons Brazil continues to be the major foreign investment destination in Latin America as the country has practiced a free market approach backed by a strong public choice approach and traditional neoclassical growth theory. The market-friendly approach has also been used as an avenue for expanding development of local business. After the industrial revolution in the period between 1760 and 1840, most countries had been set on a century long drive of national development, powered by strong industrial awaking till one world war came and then another. The World War II (WW II) thus became a major event that drew most countries aback in terms of development (Bacha & Klein, 1989). As a major panacea of the global economy, Brazil was also affected by events leading to, and after the WW II. Bahca & Klein (1989) however noted that the period after the WW II became a major test case for most countries to quickly recover from the economic setbacks and get back on